1 min[Repost]Urban redevelopment of formerly contaminated sites - Case study collection -Technical note Before you start entering data, please note that information on the previous use of the site, potential contamination,...
6 min[Reproduced]: Phytoremediation of Air PollutantsAuthor: Prerita Agarwal1, Mangaldeep Sarkar2, Binayak Chakraborty2 and Tirthankar Banerjee1 1. Institute of Environment and Sustainable...
3 minSummary: Phragmites australis can uptake and phytodegrade Ibuprofen in the water.The article is a summary / introduction of the paper written by the authors listed below, the original link of this paper has been...
3 minSummary: Eco-restoration of polluted aquatic ecosystem through rhizofiltrationAuthor: Jaya Tiwari, Ankit, Sweta, Sanjeev Kumar, John Korstad and Kuldeep. Resource: Phytomanagment of Polluted Sites DOI:...